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YIPPEEEE!!! Announcement!

I am running a 7 Day Healthy Eating Challenge coming up REALLY SOON!! (May 20th to be exact!)

It’s been over a year since I’ve done this, and I’m really happy to be going back to what I know best!

What is a 7 Day Challenge, you ask?

Well, it’s a PDF that has 7 days’ worth of easy, healthy, great new recipes (nutritarian/flexitarian!), meal plans and grocery lists, so you don’t have to think about a thing food-wise for 7 days!

You just take the grocery list to the store, get what you need, and I will tell you exactly when and how to prep EVERYTHING.

I’m gonna show you how easy getting into a eating healthy rhythm can be, and I’ll remove all the overwhelm. ๐Ÿ’š

announcement 7DC 2024


See you soon!!

