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Join me for Part 2 of a 4-Part series on the 4 Basics of Eat to Live and Weight Loss. Today we delve into 3 Practical Tools that you can use on your journey to learn more about the weight-loss aspect of Eating to Live.


Links Mentioned:

Free 9-Day Eat to Live Challenge: http://www.nourishyourlifestyle.com

Free live 5-day challenges: http://www.nourishyourlifestyle.com/challenge

Eat to Live Family: http://www.nourishyourlifestyle.com/family

*affiliate links


YouTube auto-generated transcript:

last week i made the analogy of being on

a road trip on our journey

to whatever goal we’re looking for

whether it’s weight loss or we’re

looking for just healthy

you know to be our healthiest selves or

actually to reverse or prevent some type of a

you know health ailment something like

that on our journeys

we want to be prepared we want to be

sort of armed with these

tools that we take with us so that

whenever we come across some type of a

speed bump

we have a tool for that right we have

something that stands in our way we have

a tool for that

so this week we’re going to be talking

about some more tools but i wanted to

just kind of get a little

give you a little bit information of

what my journey has been like and how i

have amassed these tools

so what you’re going to learn about

today are some more practical tools but

related specifically to weight loss and

i want to just mention

first and give you kind of a disclaimer

anything that i

ever say on the podcast on youtube or

anything like that might not be

something that resonates with you

meaning it might not be something that you

agree with or that you believe yet or

that you will ever believe

and i want you to i want you to be

considering all the things that i tell you

consider them from the perspective of

someone who is amassing your own tools

and finding what works for you

personally because they’re going to be

some things that maybe don’t work for

you very well

but this being said okay so first of all

take everything i say with a

proverbial grain of salt because these

are things that work for me

these are things that have worked for

many of my clients but

i’ve also noticed over the years of

coaching that some of these things

maybe we’re not ready to hear or maybe we’re not

interested in that because it goes

against another belief that we have or

whatever so

just take anything i say that works for you

and use that all right and just throw

away the rest you don’t need to have

everything that i say

but that being said i do want to

make the case for something that you don’t believe

something that you don’t value something

that you don’t understand can all be one

and the same

and it could just be that you’re not quite

there yet but that you might be in the

future so a question that i love to ask

myself when i hear something that

doesn’t work for me yet or i don’t i

don’t quite grasp it

i ask myself i wonder how that could be true

i wonder if that could be true for me and how

so you’re kind of questioning it and

you’re open to the idea of

it maybe being something you use in the

future and it might be one of the tools

that really makes a difference

you know one of the biggest differences

for you but maybe you’re just not ready

to hear it yet

and that’s totally okay too so just

being able to discern the difference

between the two of things

things that don’t deserve don’t serve

you at all and then things that maybe

you’re just not ready for yet

we’re just working through that all

together all right so

that being said let’s jump in


hi i’m sherry alberts and this is the

watering mouth podcast and i’m going to

teach you to eat to live

lose the weight and love the process for good

episode four


so last week we talked about the practical

food basics of eat to live right you can

go back and review that last podcast

because it is full of information

especially if you’re a beginner and

gives you such a good rundown

this week we’re going to talk about

practical principles as well but it’s

going to be related specifically to

weight loss so the things i’m going to

tell you about are things that i coach

when i’m

doing private coaching with a private

client i’ve been a private coach for the

eat to live lifestyle for years

or when i’m doing group coaching like i

group coach in the eat to live family

we’ve got

hundreds of people in there all learning

to eat to live and

you know taking care taking advantage of

the membership aspect

of the affordableness but then getting

actual coaching

themselves too and everyone can kind of

crowdsource this coaching

so when i’m coaching someone these are

the actual principles that i use and the

tools that i give

in the eat to live family in my private

coaching practice and in the

eat to live academy which is my digital

it’s an eight-week digital coaching

course which is actually part of the eat

live family it’s included

so when you come on board with me you

learn these practical tools now it’s

interesting because

you might have a little bit of a

reaction to these tools and think oh you

know as i said before like i don’t

believe that one or i don’t want to do

that one or it doesn’t seem right for me

but i just want you to think outside the

box for a moment suspend your disbelief

maybe it might be the thing that

actually makes a huge change for you and

there’s a reason why i’m giving you

these tools here in the very beginning

of the podcast because i find them to be so

incredibly helpful so without further

ado let’s talk about some

basic principles of weight loss using

the eat to live lifestyle so

number one i’m going to give you three

tools here there’s a whole bunch more

that we use in the eat to love family

and the academy and my coaching

but i’m going to give you three awesome

ones right now that you can get started

with right away okay so number one

is this idea of so i’m going to say this

and then i’ll explain what it is a

realistic protocol

using small shifts okay so what is this

realistic protocol first of all being so

protocol sounds a little bit um

clinical and that’s actually why i love this word

because uh what a protocol is is

basically your diet it’s basically what

you eat on a daily basis so we know

part of our protocol we really like to

be on the itil of diet is having

our g bombs right the greens beans

onions mushrooms berries seeds and nuts every day for

super immunity but the the rest of the

protocol that i would like you to create for yourself

consider creating for yourself and just

play with it maybe if you’re just

getting started out

is find a set of meals that

you can eat that will create all these

things for you it will give you all the

nutrients you need it will give you

enough calories during the day

it will help you feel satiated meaning

you’re going to get enough food

but it will also be low calorie enough

that it will help you lose weight all right

so those are the kind of character

characteristics of a protocol that we

want to put together

and that we can use repeatedly so it’s

kind of this rinse and repeat situation

we use this protocol and we know every

time we use that particular protocol it

works for weight loss for us

oh and there’s one other part i missed

it’s that you actually have to like it

too it has to taste good has to be delicious

and especially when you’re first

starting out on eat to live maybe it

doesn’t taste as delicious to you but i promise

the more you do this the more you learn

these meals it will become more and more delicious

as your body gets back to you know the

way it used to be when say we were

toddlers or when we were babies and we

were just trying new foods for the first

time we really like these foods right

we can get back to that natural state of

having natural taste buds that really like natural

whole foods without a bunch of salt oil

and sugar right we can get there

and so we we want to create a protocol

that kind of hits all of these marks for us

as and also creates the weight loss that

we’re looking for and getting us to that

healthiest goal weight as well

and once we have created a protocol like

this and we know that it works we like

how it tastes

then we just work to make two three four

protocols like this that we can switch

back and forth between

and what i mean protocol for example it

would be something like

the protocol that i have always used for

weight loss myself and that we use quite

often on our eat to live challenges the

free five day ones the longer twenty one

day challenges the free nine day

challenge that’s on my home page right now

all of these challenges i’ve given you

my actual protocol to give you an

example of what these are like so for

instance it would be either

breakfast would probably be a smoothie

and these smoothies are huge they’re like

they have tons of greens they’re based

on greens and then we add some fruit to

make them taste delicious

we add some nuts and seeds for nutrient absorption and

kind of protein bulk we might add a

little bit of flavoring

here and there maybe some cocoa powder

you know some vanilla

bean powder or some type of extract or whatever

and you know we have a wonderful

smoothie we’re probably going to add

some ground flaxseed as well you’ve got

a nice meal that way that will hold you

for a long time

next part of my day is usually a salad i

mean it’s always a salad it’s a

massive huge nutritarian salad and you

really want to follow a recipe

from somebody who’s done eat to live for

a long time so that’s why these

challenges can come in handy

because when i say big salad

this is the funny part is like typically

people will make this

salad that’s like a third of what i’m

talking about and they will actually

think oh i couldn’t possibly eat the

size salad that you’re talking about

and this isn’t this is another one of

those like please suspend your

disability for a minute and just give it

a try see how it goes because

these are the the steps from folks like

me who tried and true who’ve done it for

so long who come from food

you know addiction like addictive

backgrounds things like that folks like me

and and others who you know hundreds and

hundreds of other peoples who have done

people have done these challenges as

well agreeing with these concepts of

just the bigger the meal

the lower the calories the better you

know satiation

and all that so you create a protocol

for yourself that’s realistic but let’s

talk about the realistic part so this protocol

so that might be the full protocol and

then you might add

a little dinner at the end of it which

is maybe just a little bit of

you know steamed vegetables with a nut

butter sauce or something like that or

some walked vegetables or whatever

as a small meal or maybe your breakfast

was too big for you and they saved some

of that smoothie for the

quick small evening meal such a great

protocol for weight loss creates so much

satiety because there’s so many

nutrients and so much fiber

and then you’re going through your day

with everything you need to feel

satiated it tasted amazing that’s why i

also want you to try your challenges because

oh my gosh these recipes the ones i’ve

created for sure are great but now coach

nancy is our recipe developer and she’s

always getting rave reviews for her recipes so

take it from people who’ve been doing it

a long time don’t try and reinvent the

wheel right

but now i want to talk about the

realistic part of this which is that

if you’re starting from the standard

american diet i do not

think it’s a good idea for you to go

into a protocol like i just explained

and expect that to be your everyday

protocol right now

it’s just too big of a leap for most of

us so i give you permission

for most of you give you permission to be able to

do this thing that i called small shifts

and realistic protocol now

the reason i say for most of you is

because some of us have really dire

dire health situations right and of

course this is not medical advice but

you would definitely want to talk to

your doctor and or dr fuhrman about this

you can actually

you know hire him dr benson for

telemedicine kind of a thing but

and maybe even be part of the forum if

you need advice and things like that but

if we have dire medical situation dire medical

uh condition then you know there’s um

there’s a bit more therapeutic end that

we can go towards immediately

and in some cases when we’re in that

type of a situation we do have a little

bit more of motivation in order to

change quickly so that’s why i’m you

know that sub group of folks if you’re

in that subgroup of folks

there’s still so much hope for you oh my

gosh like the

the best part about it is is if you

actually have extra motivation in that

way and you can just jump in to eat to

live the way i explained and just not

look back

man that really is the way to do it and

you have so many people that will say

so much easier than

any other percent smaller than 100 right so

for those folks who want to jump in a

lot faster for whatever reason

if that’s just your personality and

that’s possible for you great more power to you

i think that is actually the best way to

do it but in my experience

for the rest of us who have overeating

tendencies maybe binge tendencies food

addiction tendencies or

anything less than that too just you

know some emotional eating or whatever

it can be super helpful for us to do

something called a realistic protocol

um sort of easing our way in and i’m not

saying like being super

you know um lacks about everything

that’s not what i’m saying

i’m saying take the protocol you have

right now take the way that you eat right now

consider it a protocol make it super

scientific and clinical like this is

what i eat this is my diet

it could be full of a bunch of you know

junk foods and that’s fine whatever it is

it is let’s just start from where you

are and then let’s improve from there

so i think the most effective way

typically when someone is

choosing this lifestyle in the beginning

is to do what we call small

shifting and what we do is make a

realistic protocol based on where we are

right now and small

shift some things so you might take what

you’re eating exactly right now it might

be full of a bunch of fast food

it might we might small shift our way towards

the thought of well i’m just gonna do

two meals a day fast food

and then one of them is gonna be a

nutritarian and i’m just gonna work

towards shifting that right

or it might even just be one one

ingredient of a meal that you’re

starting to shift out of i remember when

i shifted out of one of my pregnancies

it was this idea of i was trying to get

over jif peanut butter because it is

that’s my childhood basically right so

trying to get over jiff peanut butter

again for like the fourth time or something

and i small shifted my way through that

ingredient by going from

gif to a more natural peanut butter with

salt so just minus

sugar then i shifted a few weeks later to

a natural peanut butter without salt at

all so it was just roasted peanuts right

now it took a couple months for me to

wrap my mind around that emotionally

but i did finally make that shift and i

haven’t looked back

these are the ways that we can make

permanent shifts instead of what we

what we try to do or typically do is try

to do everything all at once

and like i said for some of us who have

more motivation that might be the way to go

so there’s no judgment towards that and

then there’s also

there’s also hope for us if we do feel

like we want to do it a little bit

faster that’s totally doable too

and certainly you can you know benefit

from the help of a coach or

a program like the eat to live family or

whatever as well but

if we do want to kind of take this at

our own pace this really is the best way

to do it realistic protocol

just shifting a little bit from where we

are right now to that new

protocol but with the idea that we’re

going to keep shifting every two

three weeks ingredients thoughts

meals right so what i mean by thoughts

so i mean you know

ingredients like i said jif peanut

butter you’re you’re shifting out of that

meals for instance i know after one of

my pregnancies i was really stuck on

starbucks again

so changing the meals from being this

fast food

to okay i’m gonna have less of the fast

food like so let’s say you go from a

large of whatever you’re eating to a

medium of what you’re

whatever you’re eating and then you go

from a medium to a small

and then you change all the ingredients

in the small thing that you’re now

eating so that there’s much less sugar

or less oil or less salt or whatever

and then you completely shift out of

that food once there’s no flavor left

because you got rid of all the salt oil

and sugar right

it becomes easier and easier that way

emotionally to small shift your way out

of it

and then small shifting your your

thoughts as well your ideas that

you’re small shifting your thoughts

towards i think i could be a nutrition

like i want to be a nutritarian i think i

could be i’m going to try right so you

can start there instead of i

am a nutritarian because that is where

you want to go but that’s not

necessarily a super easy shift to make from

i’m somebody who eats standard american

diet or i’m somebody who eats pretty

healthy but i’m not anywhere near


to suddenly i’m a nutritarian like that

is that’s ideal

i wish that was easy for all of us right

but that’s typically what throws us off

is when we try to be too perfect

we try to be too that that’s what that’s

what makes us fall off

and then that’s what makes us give up

right so what i’m offering is a way as a

sort of a road map for you to be able to small

shift your way towards it without it

ever feeling overwhelming

and it goes at your own pace but you are you know

progressively and consistently and

constantly making

these small changes and before you know

it within a year

you have completely changed and

overhauled your diet

and with it you’ve lost a lot of weight

as well right so that’s

step number one some weight loss tools

that are super important

of realistic protocol and small shifts

step number two

using the scale as a tool now this is

maybe my most unpopular tool

i suggest but i really do suggest it and

when i say it

i want you to just listen to what i have

to say first and the thought i want you

to have in your head

is hmm i wonder if that could be true

instead of i don’t want the thought you

have to be

this might be your automatic thought

which is no no i’m not doing that i

don’t believe in that that’s not good i

tried that before that didn’t work

right if that’s your immediate thought

okay but then i want you to try to shift towards

hmm okay she knows she probably knows

what she’s talking about so let me just listen

and i’m gonna take the next however many

months to wrap my head around

how this might be true for me okay so

here’s the tool

it’s using the scale right the scale to

weigh yourself

as a tool so now i know

it strikes heart and strikes fear into

the heart of

so many of you just hearing the idea of

using a scale right because the scale

has become such

a charged piece of machinery in our house

okay but here’s what i want to do for

you for a second and we have much

all the things that i’m telling you

right now we have much more in-depth tools

on the website on the eat to live family website

and within my coaching programs and

things like that so if you’re curious

and you’re interested more in this we

have whole programs about this stuff

so the i use the word machinery

because i want to make it sound super

boring just like the word protocol i

want to make it sound super boring and

clinical because

guess what guess what a scale actually is

it is a piece of machinery it is a tool an

actual physical tool that a scientist

would use

in order to measure the gravitational force

that is acting upon your body in that

particular moment

doesn’t that sound like super boring it

sounds so

annoyingly boring like something you

would hear in eighth grade chemistry

class or something

and you’d be taking notes and then you’d

forget it like five minutes later right

but that’s actually what a scale is do

you know what a scale isn’t

it’s not a tool for telling you how your

day is going to go

it’s not a tool for telling you how you

should feel about yourself

it’s not a tool for telling you um you know

how good you are at dieting that’s not what it is

so my idea here and i go into so much

more detail in other programs but the

idea here is that you remove the charge

from the scale because the reason you

don’t want to use a scale is because you

see it as a charged object you see it as

some when you step on it you’re going to

have a terrible day you might have a

great day if you lost a couple pounds or two

but if you step on it and it doesn’t

give you the number you want

uh you know the rest of the day is going

to be terrible you’re going to go off

track you might go off track for weeks or months or

years even you might that might be the

final straw and you just quit after the

scale says that that one time right

so what i want you to start wrapping

your mind around is a concept that maybe

possibly i want to offer you a potential suggestion

of an idea that maybe you could use the scale

as a tool literally as a tool as if you

are a scientist

you’re going to put your lab coat on you

can have a little clipboard here you’re

going to be doing a study

of yourself you’re a study of one you’re

the scientist and the

you know the participant but you’re

actually studying yourself

like you’re looking at yourself through

a microscope or something and you’re

just like studying this

you know organism that’s doing things

right and in order for you to get your

data about

if it’s working or not if this organism

is you know

doing the right the things that actually

are working or not you have to use a

scale to like tell

right so the idea being that

if you want to know whether your

protocol is working

if you want to know whether the amount

of food that you ate that day

is working for you to lose weight you

step on the scale

right so the scale becomes literally

just a tool to see if it’s working or


and if it’s not working okay it’s not

working but guess what you’re not a failure

you’re not a fraud you’re not terrible

it’s um you don’t you don’t think to

yourself oh i’m not worthy i don’t

deserve it

you know this day is going to be so

terrible i’m never going to fit into any

of my clothes nobody loves me

right we don’t do that whole story the

only thing that we can discern from what

a scale tells us

is did it work or not right the last few

days of eating

has it been working or not did i do it

the way that i wanted to did i get the

results i wanted

that’s all we use a scale for we make it

very unemotional

we learn to become very unemotional

about the scale now

it’s still i’m sure it still sounds

terrifying to you this kind of thing

still takes some practice it takes a

while to get to make it so that the

scale is no longer charged for us but

we use it for that practical reason of

just seeing if our protocol is working

and then we adjust so we use the scale

for two things

the first thing is we see if our

protocol is working and we adjust in

that way

the other thing that we use it for is to

see how down we are on ourself at that

moment okay

so i know that’s the main fear of

wanting to step on the scale at all

and the way around that is to step on

the scale

because it basically inoculates us and

we know a lot about vaccines at this

time in our lives right but it

inoculates us against

our own self-loathing against our own

self-hatred and

judgment and these kinds of things if we

do it in a way that is consciously doing that right

so for i’m going to give you an example

of how you might do this so for instance you would

before you step on the scale you would

have a pep talk with yourself you’d look

in the mirror and you’d go all right

you know you get naked you do all the

things first of all that scale

the way that you should use a scale it

should always be naked

same time in the morning that you’ve

weighed yourself the day before

it should always be on the same exact

scale never use your your doctor’s skill

and try to compare it with your scale at home

they’re not calibrated the same so you

can’t compare the two numbers

doing doing any any other type of

weighing besides what i’m explaining

right now is just a recipe for

beating yourself up because the numbers

scientifically are not related they do

not make sense so you can’t compare the two

so these are the factors you need to

have controlled for when you’re in your

scientific study of yourself

of one right you want to have these

factors controlled for when you step on

the scale you’ve got to be naked

it has to be the same exact time of the

day as the day before like within an

hour max it has to be under the same conditions

as i said naked but also you want to

have gone to the bathroom

um if possible had a bowel movement as

well first thing in the morning is

always the best way to control for these kinds of things

before you ate anything before you drank

anything because just

you know having an ounce or two of water

is going to make the scale go up a

little bit but that has nothing to

really do

with your progress for the days before

or if you had your meal

it’s going to throw everything off okay

so you want to really account for these

things and make sure you weigh yourself

properly and

never ever ever go and weigh yourself in

the evening and then compare that with

something that happened in the morning they don’t

you can’t compare the two they don’t

make sense right i cannot believe how

many people don’t

control for these things when they weigh

themselves so first of all

do those things do them properly right

weigh yourself properly as if you were

scientists so here’s what you’re going to do

you get up in the morning you t you know

you go to the bathroom

take your clothes off maybe brush your

teeth whatever you take your clothes off

you look in the mirror

assess look at your body does your body look

a tiny bit thinner than yesterday okay

or doesn’t it

do you um and start to think about what

you ate the last couple of days did you

have a bunch of salt

did you overeat a lot were you doing a

lot of emotional eating

what do you think the scale is going to

say realistically right you just look in

the mirror now look at

we’re not trying to do a big judgment

time here this is you know so we’re

what we’re trying to do is become that

scientist we’re putting that lab coat on

we got our notebook out

and we’re just looking at herself in the

mirror assessing now if that’s too much

for you and it feels very triggering to

look in the mirror whatever that’s totally fine

you don’t have to be there yet you can

skip that step and just wait until

you’re feeling like you

have got less self-judgment going on

we’re going to be working through this

as well so stick with me on this okay

but if that’s too triggering for you

skip that part and all we’re going to be

doing is just starting to assess then

what’s been happening the last few days

and what we think the scale is going to say

so are we thinking oh i really need that

to be down

so i can feel better today so i can have

a better day nope that’s the wrong thought

that’s going to set you up for

disappointment no matter what

no matter what that’s going to set you

up for disappointment the correct

thought before you step on the scale is

an assessment like a literal assessment

nothing good or bad just

i ate those extra chips so i probably

have some salt weight

i had that piece of pizza a couple days

ago so i might still have salt weight from that

i haven’t really been sticking with my

protocol i haven’t had my salad much so

i probably am

up two three four pounds okay so you

make an assessment now your assessment

might mean no i’ve been doing really

well i think i might have lost a pound

or something but then you go to the

extreme and you go okay i might be up

two or three pounds but i might for some

weird reason be up five pounds

so you pick a number in your head and

like let’s say you’re normally 260 pounds

and then you pick a number that morning

where you’re like i could be

i don’t know i could even be up to 265

right you’re kind of

assessing what might be possible for you

in that moment

and you prepare yourself ahead of time

for what that number could say

and you prepare yourself ahead of time

before you get on the scale how you’re

going to react too so you go what if

it’s 265 what am i going to think

i’m going to think all right i got some

work to do i’m not going to think

there’s anything wrong with me

i’m going to take a deep breath i’m

going to get on the scale and whatever i see

i’m just going to assess i’m going to be

a scientist i’m going to look at it as data

right and then i’m going to assess and

so you’re preparing yourself ahead of

time before you get on that scale of

this is what my emotional reaction is

going to be when i see 265

right now anything under 260 or anything

because you’re pretty prepared for that

but you’re super prepared for 265.

you get real you know and whatever that

number is i don’t know what the number

is but you kind of

gauge what your past history has been

with weight loss and whatever so

you get you do all that pre-preparation

that emotional pre-preparation

then you step on the scale that’s that’s

the key moment there and that’s the one

of the most

well all these important moments are

important but you get on that scale you

see that number and that

is where you choose your reaction now i didn’t say

that’s where you have your reaction i

said that’s where you choose your reaction because

at this is the moment where you get to

go oh my god this is the worst thing all

right i want to see this this is

terrible i’m a terrible person this is

never going to happen this

doesn’t i’m i’m the worst i hate this

i’m the worst day ever my clothes aren’t

ever gonna fit i’ll never

right you either get to do that or you

do that automatically and then you go whoa

calm down it’s just a number on a scale

it’s literally just the gravitational

pull right now

there’s nothing wrong with me as a

person all this

means is that i over ate for the last

couple days and i need to kind of you

know tighten it up a little bit no big

deal no judgment here

this is right so that’s what you do when

you step on the scale also

if the scale goes down we do not

celebrate that’s another super super

important point that i know you’re not

going to believe yet because i didn’t

believe it for a long time until i

started really understanding it

celebration is just as bad as beating

yourself up because celebration means that

you are putting meaning to a number on a

scale that is not actually

there you’re assigning meaning to

something you’re a you’re making it mean

like oh i’m really good at this or this

is working or it’s gonna work

or whatever you never know if it’s gonna

work it’s gonna work based on how hard

you work the next few days not based on

what the number is on the scale because

the number on the scale is literally

just a data point okay

so step on the scale you have that

reaction and then you choose your next

reaction of how you want to actually take it

and then you get off the scale now is

where your real work comes in

with the mindset for the rest of the day

how do you keep

reeling it back in how do you keep

reeling those thoughts back in towards

if it was 265 or it was 268 or whatever

this this is what happened it’s like

checking your bank account

right after you’ve been spending without

looking at your bank account for a long

time it’s kind of like

oh i gotta look and you sort of peek a

little bit you know

and you’re like oh okay now i know what

the number is ooh it’s a lot worse than

i thought it was going to be

but it is what it is and now i’m going

to actually do something about it right

that’s exactly what it is too

once you’ve stepped on the scale then

you go about the rest of your day and

the rest of the weeks with working on the mindset of

it’s all going to be okay i’m going to

use these tools stick to the tools stick

to the protocol and i’m going to use the scale

continually to continuously see how my

mindset is doing and how much i’m

beating myself up and i’m going to keep

working on that right

as you’re working through it you get

better and better and better now

you might not be ready for this and

that’s okay and you might not accept

that this is even useful

but with my clients it’s always i want

you to weigh yourself

every day because i want you to get so

good at your mindset

that you love yourself no matter what

that stupid scale says right

because all that skill is is a piece of

like metal and plastic

and gears and that’s what a scale is it

doesn’t tell you anything about yourself

okay you tell yourself about yourself that’s

that’s what you do right the scale just

sits there and tells you a number

okay so there’s that that’s one of the

the tools that are that are super

important that we use as i said throw it

out if you don’t want to use it right now but

try to wrap your mind around how it

might be useful and the reason it’s so

useful is because it’s going to give

just give you a data

about where you’re at and where you can go right

all right and the last tool that i want

to talk about

is hunger and that hunger is your friend

and hunger is also a tool i’m going to

go through this one really briefly

we’re going to talk more about this as

we go but what i want you to start to

see because i noticed this in myself in

my journey several years ago i noticed

this with clients

all the time especially in the italy

family when we really start to get to

this nitty-gritty of

what our fears are and you know what’s

so scary and what’s so hard

it always comes out that we’re afraid of

hunger we are afraid of hunger first of

all because of toxic hunger

and it feels super uncomfortable toxic

hunger being dr fuhrman’s

word for withdrawal actually withdrawal

from standard american diet foods or

these addictive processed foods

we feel super uncomfortable light-headed irritable

you know hangry kind of a thing you have

that shaky feeling

that feels terrible that’s not fun so we

learn to fear hunger because it actually

physically feels bad when we’re eating a

bunch of processed food but when we

become a nutritarian

and we start to detox and start to eat

whole natural plant-based foods without

a bunch of soil

salts oil and sugar our bodies come back

to a natural type of hunger which is

much more comfortable it’s called true hunger

so much more comfortable and easy to

deal with so we can retrain ourselves

to not fear hunger as much but we have

trained ourselves already to fear hunger

so we’re coming into this thing

fearing hunger but what i want you to do

is just with the scale if we fear the

scale i want you to start

working on your fear of hunger too like

ask yourself what’s

actually going to happen if i don’t eat

for a couple hours like you know what’ll

happen it’ll be

you’ll be hangry be a little irritable

you’re going to get shaky maybe

usually that’s the worst of it right you

just have these kind of physical symptoms

but you don’t actually die right like

nobody just dies from hunger immediately

after not having eaten for two hours right

so actual hunger we know doesn’t kill us

if it’s only been a couple of hours so

we could survive it it’s just going to

feel uncomfortable

so if we know that we know that it’s

actually not a dire situation

if we have lunch at noon and then we

start to get hungry around 3 or 4 p.m

and dinner isn’t until five or six it’s not dire

it’s just gonna be uncomfortable for a bit and if we can um

if we can see that and start to expect

that and know that that’s gonna happen

and be okay with that

that allows us to actually start to

lessen that fear about hunger a little

bit which allows us to then eat better

foods which then allows us to get more towards

true hunger which is what we really want

right so we use hunger

as our friend and we use it as a tool so hunger

is totally neutral it’s not good or bad it’s just

a signal and that’s what i want you to

think of hunger as

hunger is a signal just like a tool is

um the scale is just a tool

to assess how much you you know

gravitational force is pulling on you

hunger is a tool to assess when do you

need food or not right so understanding

that toxic hunger isn’t necessarily

the best signal so it’s you know in the

beginning it can be a little bit

confounded and we want to know that too

because but as we move through it hunger

becomes more of an

actual signal for us it’s like a

notification on your phone like hey

you’ve got a text message or whatever

it’s just a tool to alert you that a

you need to eat food pretty soon and b perhaps

your last meal wasn’t big enough you

know if your meal if you can’t get three past three

four maybe even five hours to your next

meal your meal probably wasn’t big

enough and you need to learn how to make bigger meals

and by that i mean lower calorie higher nutrient meals so

bigger salads more greens right bigger

smoothies with more greens or

these kinds of meals where your hat like

um having a bowl of

walked vegetables or something with less

grains and more veggies you know always

towards the non-starchy veggies when possible

towards non-starchy non-grain type foods more

vegetables so that will really help with

the with the hunger as well and this is

just a transition so the other two

things there’s two questions i want you

to ask yourself

and this is just to start start working with

a way to ask one question all day long is am i hungry

first of all now there’s a difference

between hunger and craving

and that’s something that i really want

you to start thinking about

if you only want a specific type of food

like you just want an

apple or you only want a pancake or you

only want a burger

and you if i were to say here here’s five

raw carrots eat these if you were like

uh i don’t want those

you are craving right you might also be

hungry but you’re definitely craving

and craving is not um is not a useful

it’s not a useful tool to like use for hunger right

so what we want to be able to retrain

our brain to doing is understanding

if we if if i set down a big plate of

steamed vegetables and a nice

you know nut butter sauce over it would you eat that

and do you think it would satisfy you

now if you think it wouldn’t then you

definitely have some craving going on as

well right you’ve got some toxic hunger going on as well

but when we can get ourselves cleared

out when we get ourselves cleaned out we

get to that place where

where yes we are hungry enough to wear a big

plate of vegetables i would just devour

those vegetables right

then you know you’re hungry kind of a

thing so first we ask ourselves

at all times like am i hungry or am i just craving

so am i hungry is super useful because

let’s say we had our

our salad at noon and then we were starved by 3 p.m

that salad wasn’t big enough okay we

need a bigger salad with more greens

greens compact down to nothing in the

stomach so you can eat

like so much greens and not be overly full

so you make these massive salads and

then what that does is gives you so much

nutrients and so much fiber that you can now get four

five six hours between meals because you had such a

not like a large huge salad that it was

just you know your stomach hurt you were so full

it’s like it just gave you so much fiber right

so that’s the difference there so you

ask yourself all the time am i actually

hungry or am i craving

that’s a really good thing to know and

when we realize that we’re just craving

we shut off the thoughts on there we’re

like okay it’s cool i’m craving i don’t need to eat

i only eat when i’m truly hungry okay

the other question we ask ourselves is

am i full which is so huge to be asking

yourself during a meal have i had enough

for me when i feel like i’m getting full the meal

stops tasting as good as it did when i

started eating if you’re truly hungry

when you eat dr fuhrman is always saying

hunger is the best sauce

if you’re truly hungry when you go to

eat anything you eat is going to taste

amazing even a pile of steamed

vegetables or

raw vegetables without any dip or

anything still going to

that is going to taste so amazing to you

if you’re truly hungry hungry

and so as you’re eating you start to eat

this food you’ve been eating

four five six 10 12 bites 15 bites and

suddenly you start to get this thought

of like ah this doesn’t taste so good

it doesn’t taste as good as it did

before you’re starting to become satiated

and there is a moment where the brain

gives you a signal it’s amazing the

brain and the stomach actually talk to

each other

that’s how they’re meant to work

together we just get so thrown off

because of the junk that we’ve eaten in the past

when we’re starting to get cleared out

that’s when we start to have an actual

signal from the brain that goes like uh

i don’t want any more like you just

physically don’t want it anymore right

now there’s a difference between being

this is the tricky part difference

between being satiated and having had enough

and not wanting it because you’re not

used to the salt and oil and sugar level

right so that’s that can be the tricky

thing in the beginning but that just

takes practice right

so we get better and better and better

at that and we become

more we start to

love natural foods more when we are

getting used to this we’ve been through it for a few

months as well so it starts to get easy

i say after first

month one two three it starts to get so

much easier

to be able to love these foods okay so

using those questions

the question am i hungry and am i full

all the time is going to

naturally allow us to start working


learning how to not overeat and that’s

probably one of the

as we talked about last week one of the

most important parts of the eat to live diet

is learning how not to overeat not

eating for emotional

reasons not eating just for a super full

feeling like

you know we used to be used to when we

ate all the processed foods because we

always need so much

quantity just to make ourselves feel

better because there wasn’t enough

nutrients and now

we’re trying to just learn how many

nutrients and how much fiber

do we really need in order to feel

satiated it’s a very different equation

but we can get there if we just keep

trying okay so those are some

some practical tools three practical

tools that you can use on the weight

loss side of things

using hunger as a friend and as a tool

using the scale

as a tool and also making a realistic

protocol for yourself and using small shifts

to progress throughout that protocol and

throughout your weight loss

and healthy eating journey okay thank

you so much for listening to this one i

hope that you got so much out of it

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