Apple Cinnamon Green Smoothie Recipe (video) | Nutritarian | Vegan

Apple Cinnamon Green Smoothie Recipe (video) | Nutritarian | Vegan

This recipe for my Apple Cinnamon Green Smoothie Recipe is a great one not only because it only takes about 3-4 minutes to make, but it’s filled with antioxidants. I often use this smoothie to break up the days when I get bored of my regular Chocolate Peanut...
Chocolate Peanut Butter Coconut Refrigerator Oatmeal Recipe

Chocolate Peanut Butter Coconut Refrigerator Oatmeal Recipe

So if you’ve never heard of a Refrigerator Oatmeal recipe before…aka “Overnight Oats” or even more well-known…muesli!… let me just tell you that it is as easy as pouring yourself some cereal…I’m serious! Refrigerator...