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This is an interview by Cheri of Nancy, a new recipe creator for Nourish Your Lifestyle.  Nancy had been familiar with the Nutritarian Diet but began having true results with it when she started following Cheri and her Eat to Live program.  She followed Cheri’s 21 day Challenge and achieved great success as opposed to trying the Eat to Live plan on her own.

After her experience and success with the program, Nancy emailed Cheri to see if there was anything she could do to help TWM program and Cheri.  Swamped as she was, Cheri jumped at the chance to use Nancy’s talents in recipe building.

Nancy is also training to be certified in Life Coaching.

Nancy always travels with her husband for his work.  She has found she has great success sticking to proper eating, even though she is on the road or in a hotel almost constantly.  She plans ahead, makes smoothies in bulk and gallon sized greens and G-bombs to take with her.  She carries 3 coolers with her filled with salads for up to 3-4 days (big as your head salads).  She also brings Tahini and Balsamic Vinegar so that she always has dressing.  Subway is the best place to stop if they eat out because they have chopped salad.  In other restaurants there is always a salad which is what she orders.

Nancy has now gotten to the point where any other food, other than that in the Eat to Live Diet, is just not a thought anymore because she feels so much better when she strictly follows this way of eating.