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Recipes:  https://nourishyourlifestyle.com/cheatsheets

Registration:  https://info.nourishyourlifestyle.com/joi…


Youtube open forum for any questions to be asked today.

Possible client asked what the 21 Day Challenge was and what it entails.

It is a program developed by Cheri to encourange, inspire and make easier, for her followers, a program she has developed for good health, longevity, weight loss and maintenance. Her program is based on books by Dr. Joel Fuhrman whose teachings are a plant-based, Eat to Live diet.

Cheri’s 21-day Challenge comes from her own food addiction.   She began setting challenges for herself when she was in a need of weight loss.  And, based on Dr. Fuhrman’s teachings and her drive to meet the private challenges she set for herself, she lost that weight.

This will now be the sixth challenge for the public.

The Challenge includes “rolling prep”, recipes, reduced amount of work with “sets”and protocol.  These are all techniques she has developed through her trial and error for anyone to use and to make the challenge very attainable.  Also available are restaurant guides, a private, elite Facebook group and 1 to 1 coaching.

The next step, coming soon, will be the Eat to Live Academy