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Recipes :  http://www.nourishyourlifestyle.com/cheatsheet

Registration: http://bit.ly/21daychallengemar20


The hardest part for Mara was doing all the prep work for any diet.  It was difficult for her to get back into the kitchen.  Take out food is so easy,  But she had gained a lot of weight after her last child’s birth, could not lose it and is now in her seventies. She even tried a weight loss clinic.

She developed many health problems due to her weight including pre-diabetes, high cholesterol, lower back pain and just being tired.  She got to the point where she had to use a walker and received shots for her back pain.

Mara has done all the challenges since she discovered Nourish Your Lifestyle.  Her weight loss journey is now easy.  The Challenges have provided her with recipes and grocery lists that has made it so easy.  And the camaraderie on the Facebook group has been invaluable.

Her success has been tremendous.  She has such vitality, and energy.  She is off all medications.   She is feeling so good and enjoying living. She joined a senior ladies running club and can now jog 3 miles at a time,

Her advice to you, “stick with the program and the weight just falls off”.