Soooooo. What’s your guess for this one?? The prize for guessing correctly is not only my undying, unwavering respect but this week, I throw in the bonus of a month’s long supply of absolute amazement, too! (MSRP $49.97) How can you go wrong?? The only guesses that I count are the ones posted below in the comments — guessing on Facebook or Twitter disqualifies you from the grand prize. And how could you live without that amazing prize??
Bonus respect points for those of you who can guess what type of whatever it is…..
An apple!
looks like an apple. but who am I. I eat frozen food almost every day! Thanks for a fun blog!
A gala apple
Pink lady or honey crisp apple.
Thank you so so much Jeff!! :D
an mmm mmm red delicious apple!!!!!
I thought it was an apple – but since there are a
ka-jillion other apple guesses, I’ll just take this time to say thanks to you and Nourish Your Lifestyle for some keen-o ideas, great recipes, and a couple good giggle and snorts over the year!
Hope you guys have a wondrous and happy holiday season.
Cheers from the Makers of Plate Fodder
pear…….I have been looking and looking for what I really think it is….but I can’t remember the name of it!
oh wait….my guess is wax jambu!!!!
Hahaha Toby – a kajillion – that’s a LOT!!! You have been one of my favorite loyal readers and I appreciate it to much!! Thank you for the lovely and sweet comment. Happy Holidays to you and yours!!
Cactus apple
Gala apple
Seedless watermelon
My guess is a Pink Lady apple. But it would be cool if this was a Cameo apple, which I just recently discovered, because they’re freakin’ amazing! (Just like this website…)
Michael thank you for the lovely comment you sweetheart you!!!!! :D
Apple, probably faded red delicious…
Royal Gala Apple … I’m still looking at the photo wondering, what if its not even an apple? lol
I know this is off topic but there is a post on Yelp that you might want to chime in on.
I replied Erik, thanks a gazillion for alerting me to this!!! :D
I think it is a watermelon. First I thought tomato but no, it’s a watermelon.
That is an apple, I would say.
Nice idea with all this guessing!
Thank you Chris — good to “see” you! :D
Looks like pureed tomatoes to me!
Sooooooo…what was it?
sooooo……is it a wax jambu?
It’s an apple, and I want to guess in this order what type: Pink Lady, Braeburn, or an Royal Gala ?
Apple, my guess is either Gala or Fuji
Aha! I knew it! lol – its my favourite apple :-)
You rocked that one, Lyn. :) Good job. My amazement and respect are bestowed upon thee!!!!!!!! :D :D :D hahaha!!