
Did you know that I’ve been posting YouTube videos for over 5 years and have well over 3 million video views and 13k subscribers! This is the best place to get info and updates from me.

You’ll learn everything you need to know to become a successful Nutritarian following the Eat to Live lifestyle. Plus a few other silly, unrelated videos. :P

Follow along by checking out this page every day, or subscribe on YouTube so you never miss a day! :-)

How to Pack Nutritarian Food for A Trip | NUTRIENT NUGGET YOUTUBE

REAL LIFE YO! Sometimes it can be very hard to be a Nutritarian while traveling, to ensure you’re getting all the good stuff and none of the bad. So follow along with me while I show you what I prepared and how I handled traveling for 5 days to California a few weeks back. I hope you enjoy and get something out of it!

What is a Strawberry Onion? YOUTUBE

Find out what a strawberry onion is, how to use it, how to store it, and what I’m going to do with the several pounds of them I recently received! :D