Did you know that I’ve been posting YouTube videos for over 5 years and have well over 3 million video views and 13k subscribers! This is the best place to get info and updates from me.
You’ll learn everything you need to know to become a successful Nutritarian following the Eat to Live lifestyle. Plus a few other silly, unrelated videos. :P
Follow along by checking out this page every day, or subscribe on YouTube so you never miss a day! :-)
Chickpea “Tuna Salad” Recipe | VEGAN | NUTRITARIAN YOUTUBE
My favorite easy salad lately, the Chickpea “Tuna” Salad…without the tuna!! HAHAHAH. This one is great in wraps or on sandwiches…or just by the spoonful whenever you’re hungry!
How to Pack Nutritarian Food for A Trip | NUTRIENT NUGGET YOUTUBE
REAL LIFE YO! Sometimes it can be very hard to be a Nutritarian while traveling, to ensure you’re getting all the good stuff and none of the bad. So follow along with me while I show you what I prepared and how I handled traveling for 5 days to California a few weeks back. I hope you enjoy and get something out of it!
How to Make Veggie Spring Rolls cold with Rice Paper Wraps | Vegan YOUTUBE
Learn how to make a super simple Vietnamese food that’s crazy healthy and LOADED with veggies and beans! I’ve been eating this all the time lately.
1 Weird Thing About Dates You MUST Know YOUTUBE
A verrrrrrrrry important tip about dates that you should know…l learned this after having used thousands of dates in my life! Find out this important tip!
5 Important Food Changes You Need to Make YOUTUBE
5 Important Food Changes You Need to Make Just these 5 will do wonders!!
Life Update YOUTUBE
How Much Protein Do We Need? | NUTRIENT NUGGET YOUTUBE
My absolute favorite answer to give when I get the age-old question, “Where Do You Get Your Protein From?” HAHA!
I’m Outta Here! YOUTUBE
Out of town! Back next week!! :*
Blueberry Date Paste Recipe | Whole-Food Sweetener | VEGAN | NUTRITARIAN YOUTUBE
I love this date paste recipe as a substitute for honey or maple syrup. It’s so sweet, but still has all the fiber in with it! Yumm. Great sweetener choice. And the Vitamix I use is here: http://amzn.to/2jCpQsg
How to Make a Starbucks Tea Latte at Home | RECIPE | VEGAN | NUTRITARIAN YOUTUBE
EEEEEE!! My favorite drink lately and I show you JUST EXACTLY how to make it at home! :D You can use any type of tea that you like! The milk frother is here: http://amzn.to/2m03Yrp
A Tip for Eating Healthy When You Don’t Want To | NUTRIENT NUGGET YOUTUBE
Ever have ingredients go bad in your fridge just because you didn’t feel like eating them? That’s me all over. But i’ve gotten so much better! Learn one of my favorite secrets about this!
Creamy Vegan Potato Chowder Soup Recipe YOUTUBE
This soup! I just finished the last portion today and I am so glad I made it. YUMM!! Warning though, this isn’t the most Nutritarian soup on the block, but it could be worse. :P
Lunch at Starbucks: What I Got | WHAT I ATE VLOG YOUTUBE
I had to work at Starbucks for a full day. Find out what I ate for lunch that was pretty close to being on point! Some great options there.
Does Exercise Make You Smarter?? | NUTRIENT NUGGET YOUTUBE
Find out why exercise is so important for you and your longevity..as well as your brain! :D
6 Reasons You Should Be Eating Pomegranates! | NUTRIENT NUGGET YOUTUBE
Find out pomegranates are something you should have every day! Amazing benefits!!
Find out all about coffee as a health food? And whether it’s a good thing to keep in your diet! ✖✖ Matcha Green Tea Powder: http://bit.ly/matcha-powder
What is a Strawberry Onion? YOUTUBE
Find out what a strawberry onion is, how to use it, how to store it, and what I’m going to do with the several pounds of them I recently received! :D
Red Cabbage Stirfry Recipe + What I Ate For Lunch Today | Vegan | Nutritarian YOUTUBE
Find out what I ate for lunch today! A new recipe and a super simple way to make lunch. It doesn’t have to be hard!
RECIPES: Chickpea “Tuno” Salad + Cheesy Kale Salad | KITCHEN NUGGET YOUTUBE
Find out what my favorite meal is to eat lately! Two recipes in one :) Hope you love them!! :P
Dealing with Discouragement | NUTRIENT NUGGET YOUTUBE
Find out what to do when you get discouraged on your healthy eating way, with a little advice from one of my favorite books.
Is Eating Organic Important? | NUTRIENT NUGGET YOUTUBE
Find out if eating organic foods is important based on a couple of different sources I’ve found!
What is Mindful Eating? | KITCHEN NUGGET YOUTUBE
Find out about how to eat mindfully and how it might increase your happiness and satisfaction with food!
The Secret Language of Produce Stickers | KITCHEN NUGGET YOUTUBE
Learn the awesome “secret” language behind the stickers you see on all your produce — and be informed when you make your decisions!
7 Great Salad Dressing Choices at Salad Bars | NUTRIENT NUGGET YOUTUBE
In response to Dana’s question, I give 7 great salad dressing options for when you’re at a restaurant salad bar! If you have any questions you’d like me to answer in a video, let me know in a comment!
The Best Tip for Using Kale | KITCHEN NUGGET YOUTUBE
The easiest tip I’ve come up with for how to use Kale, and how to prep it beforehand so it takes less time when you need to make a salad and so you waste less throughout the week. Eat more kale!
The Easiest Way to Make Mushrooms at Home | KITCHEN NUGGET YOUTUBE
Find out how I make mushrooms at home so I can make sure I eat some every day! YUMM. A great immunity-boosting food.
4 Things About Citrus That You Need to Know | NUTRIENT NUGGET YOUTUBE
I found out some awesome things about citrus on Dr. Michael Greger’s website recently! Check them out: you’ll be amazed at what the research is discovering!!
“I Just Want to Enjoy My Life and Eat What I Want” | NUTRIENT NUGGET YOUTUBE
Learn a great technique to get over that little voice in your head that tells you to do bad things :)
Stop Fooling Yourself, My Friend | NUTRIENT NUGGET YOUTUBE
Learn a great technique to get over that little voice in your head that tells you to do bad things :)
How to Deal With the Naysayers Who Think Your Lifestyle is Crazy | NUTRIENT NUGGET YOUTUBE
Learn a super awesome way to deal with those who don’t really get your lifestyle and want to convert you back to the Standard American Diet! :)