Did you know that I’ve been posting YouTube videos for over 5 years and have well over 3 million video views and 13k subscribers! This is the best place to get info and updates from me.
You’ll learn everything you need to know to become a successful Nutritarian following the Eat to Live lifestyle. Plus a few other silly, unrelated videos. :P
Follow along by checking out this page every day, or subscribe on YouTube so you never miss a day! :-)
Should You Be Worried About Eating Gluten? | NUTRIENT NUGGET YOUTUBE
A very popular question today: everything you need to know about gluten to make informed decisions!
I Don’t Think I Could Ever Give Up Meat. | NUTRIENT NUGGET YOUTUBE
A question that plant-based eaters get alllllllll the time :) Here’s what I have to say to that! :D
How Do You Make Salad Dressing Without Oil? | NUTRIENT NUGGET YOUTUBE
A question that I hear a lot…get the answer! How do you make a salad dressing without oil??
What is a Nutritarian? | NUTRIENT NUGGET YOUTUBE
A little video I recorded to give a brief explanation of the term Nutritarian and why anyone in their right mind would want to follow such an unconventional diet.
Why Are Nuts and Seeds So Important? | NUTRIENT NUGGET YOUTUBE
Nuts and seeds are so important! Find out why.
Don’t Believe All the Stories You Read in the Media | NUTRIENT NUGGET YOUTUBE
Find out how to differentiate between what you see in the media and what’s real. A couple real-world examples of what we’ve been fed (see what I did there?:)
How to Differentiate Between Hunger, Desire and Cravings | NUTRIENT NUGGET YOUTUBE
You know I love the Beck Diet Solution book, and here is a helpful nugget about understanding the difference between hunger, desire and cravings.
The Myth of Radical Behavior Changes | NUTRIENT NUGGET YOUTUBE
A super awesome article from James Clear, one of my favorite writers about behavior and psychology
What Happens If You Don’t Eat Enough Calories? Skinny’s Crisis | NUTRIENT NUGGET YOUTUBE
A fantastic little nutrient nugget about the amount of calories we eat…and a story about a monkey :)
How to Use Pomegranate to Lower Your Cholesterol | NUTRIENT NUGGET YOUTUBE
Some great tips about the health benefits of pomegranates including the cholesterol benefits and the ways that I use pomegranates myself in my daily life.
What I’ve Been Eating Lately (and How!) | VLOG! YOUTUBE
A few random videos from the last week or so where I show you the food choices I’ve been making, how I came up with them, and what I liked the most.
This video explains the real magic behind fiber and all the amazing things it can do for us! GO FIBER!!
How to Overcome Food Cravings | NUTRIENT NUGGET YOUTUBE
All about how to overcome those cravings!
My Weird Surprising Way to Eat Oatmeal [+LAUNCH!] YOUTUBE
Find out about the weird way I eat oatmeal, and learn how to make it yourself at home. I’ve made this kind of oatmeal for so many people and have only received RAVE reviews!
4 Main Principles of Being a Nutritarian YOUTUBE
✖ READ THIS::: The End of Heart Disease by Dr. Joel Fuhrman: http://amzn.to/2hbYSYc
✖ How They Make Walnut Oil: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TnKgl…
4 Awesome Things You Never Knew About Oatmeal | NUTRIENT NUGGET YOUTUBE
✖ 2009 Study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1…
✖ 2008 Study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1…
✖ Article from the Kitchn: http://www.thekitchn.com/yes-oatmeal-..
Why the ANDI Scale Is So Important | NUTRIENT NUGGET YOUTUBE
Find out why the ANDI Scale, created by Dr. Joel Fuhrman is so important to our health and vitality. It’s a scoring system that everyone should know about, but many of us don’t. Get the skinny!
What is Oxidative Stress? | NUTRIENT NUGGET YOUTUBE
✖ “What is Oxidative Stress” on DrFurhman.com: https://www.drfuhrman.com/learn/libra…
✖ Dr. Fuhrman’s vitamin recommendations: https://www.drfuhrman.com/shop/vitami…
✖ Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/thewateringm…
What’s Next for Us? And the Pleasure Trap | VLOG #200 | Nutritarian | Vegan YOUTUBE
I’m back guys!! YAY!!! I talk today about coming to terms with being a food addict, as well as what’s in store for Nourish Your Lifestyle viewers in future videos.
I Got The Flu…Agh! I’ll Be Back Really Soon!! YOUTUBE
Down and out with the flu for a few days, I’ll be back asap!
What is Sacha Inchi? | VLOG #199 | Nutritarian | Vegan YOUTUBE
I try out Sacha Inchi for the first time and show you guys all about it…and then I discuss a couple of points from the recent Forks Over Knives magazine.
Should I Take Folic Acid? | VLOG #198 | Nutritarian | Vegan YOUTUBE
A great day with some not so great things right at the end. Oh well. :P Also some great info on whether or not we should be taking supplemental folic acid.
Interview with a Nutritarian Goddess Bethany Stec-Janicek of LoveChard.com YOUTUBE
I got to interview one of my favorite Nutritarians on the planet, Bethany from LoveChard.com. We talked about her journey to health, her successes and struggles, and how she and her husband are inspiring thousands of others with their community of healthy eaters all striving towards the whole-foods plant-based lifestyle.
You’re Never Actually Hungry…No, For Real! Let Me Explain | VLOG #197 | Nutritarian | Vegan YOUTUBE
Some awesome food, some awesome Instagram pics, some awesome info about hunger and what it really is.
Yummy Sweet Tooth Dessert Idea | VLOG #196 | Nutritarian | Vegan YOUTUBE
Some kitchen experimenting today with a dessert and a cheese sauce. Find out more about Dr. Furhman’s new Diabetes challenge. Thanks for watching.
Cooking for the Week + an AWESOME New Dressing + Homeostasis | VLOG #195 | Nutritarian | Vegan YOUTUBE
Watch how I tackled cooking for the week on Sunday (or at least for a couple days, and see a new dressing I made up (that was amazing, but not Nutritarian)!!
What About High Protein Diets? A Tip About Soup Flavors | VLOG #194 | Nutritarian | Vegan YOUTUBE
Find out my favorite tip to use lately when I have my soups…go with us to the BRITNEY SPEARS CONCERTTTT hahaha…and learn about whether or not high-protein diets are good!
Check it out guys and see where I’m at now and why!