
Think Like You’re Already There

This is a simple concept that is EVERYTHING to our journey.  If we are to truly be successful in anything we want to accomplish, whether it be weight-loss, getting healthy, eating healthy consistently, building a business, etc…there is one trick.  When you hear...
Delayed Weight Gain

Delayed Weight Gain

I once had a client who noticed a pattern in her weight gain that if she ate poorly, it wouldn’t show up on the scale for several days later. She was telling me this as if it was fact.  As if it was something she had scientifically studied and concluded.  She...
Frustration and Metabolism

Frustration and Metabolism

This one is inspired by something I notice in myself as well as with my clients. It’s definitely a recurring theme. When we are trying to lose weight or stay on track with our healthy eating, many of us have a tendency to blame an “outside” source of...
Diets Work + keys to Long-term Success

Diets Work + keys to Long-term Success

Did you ever hear that  thing people say: “Diets don’t work”? Every marketing infomercial for any weight-loss related product will tell you that. And you think that’s why you’re not making progress. But the truth is, diets DO work.  If...
Free Diving and Eating to Live

Free Diving and Eating to Live

I don’t know if you know this, but I used to live in Sarasota, FL for about 10 years before we moved to Las Vegas While there, I thought I would take advantage of my location (and a Groupon) and live out a bucket list dream: to get my SCUBA license.  While...
Feeling It Now

Feeling It Now

Have you ever wondered, “What is the secret to lasting healthy eating and weight loss?” Uhhh, does a zebra have stripes??! I know, it’s the quintessential question that plagues those of us who struggle with these things. I’m going to let you in on a little secret...
A Forever Thing

A Forever Thing

What we’re trying to do here is meant to be a forever thing. Right? So that means we want to approach our thoughts and feelings about this with the understanding that it’s a “Just Keep Going” kind of plan. It’s called Eat to Live for a...